Cancer Rate Calculator(LN/LNG-6040)

Quotes are non-binding and for indicative use only.

For Agent Use Only.

Estimated Monthly Total

Individual Single Parent Family Family
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

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Supplemental Cancer


Cancer occurs in 1 of every 2 men and 1 of every 3 women, which means cancer can occur in 3 of 4 families.* With high medical costs associated with cancer treatment, major medical insurance typically only covers 45.7% of the cost.^ LifeShield’s plans are designed to cover the gaps left by high deductibles and copayments in primary insurance plans.

LifeShield’s Supplemental Cancer Insurance is guaranteed issue, meaning there are no health questions to qualify for coverage. Base policy benefits reset each year and benefits are not coordinated with or offset by major medical benefits which allows us to pay directly to the insured.

Coverage Benefits

Issue Ages for Insured & Spouse Age 17+

Dependent Children Up to Age 25

Actual Charges Up To

Positive Diagnosis

for one test confirming a positive diagnosis
of cancer in an insured person

$300 per calendar year

Private Duty Nursing

Inpatient: for the full-time service of a nurse

Outpatient: limited to the same number of days of the prior hospital confinement for the full-service of a nurse.

$150 per day

National Cancer Institute Designated Comprehensive Cancer Treatment Center Evaluation/Consultation

Lifetime maximum of $750

Outpatient Hospital or Ambulatory Surgical Center Medical Imaging Planning and Monitoring

$350 per day/ $1,000 per calendar year

Anti-Nausea Medication

$150 per calendar month

Colony Stimulating Factor or Immunoglobulin

$1,000 per calendar month

Inpatient/Outpatient Blood, Plasma, and Platelets

$300 per day

Inpatient Oxygen

$300 per hospital confinement

Bone Marrow or Stem Cell Transplant

Lifetime maximum up to $15,000

Attending Physician

$40 per day

Home Health Care

Home Health Care: $75 for each day

Medicine and Supplies: $450 in any calendar year

Services of a Nutritionist: Lifetime maximum of $300

Hospice/Convalescent Care Facility

$100 per day

Non-Local Transportation

Coach fare by a common carrier

Lodging Expense

$75 per day


Lifetime maximum of $2,000 per amputation


Lifetime maximum of $150

Rental or Purchase of Medical Equipment

$1,500 per calendar year

Physical, Speech, Audio Therapy, and Psychotherapy

$25 per therapy session

*United States Statistics, Cancer Facts and Figures 2020, American Cancer Society

^Worldwide Statistics, Center for Disease Control and Prevention: The Global Cancer atlas

LNG/LN-6040 S2PP

(RV: 2/2024)

Benefit Riders

and Premiums

Additional Benefit Riders

Not to Exceed the Actual Charges


Amount of Rider Coverage

Annual Cancer Screening^

Daily Hospital Confinement

(Up to 30 days $100. Daily Hospital Confinement 31+ days $200)

First Occurrence

First Occurrence Building Benefit

(Will increase annually up to age 65 or upon the date of positive diagnosis of Internal Cancer)

Annual Radiation, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, and Experimental Treatment

(Will pay total charge for above combined treatments with a max of $10,000 per Calendar Year)

Daily Hospital Intensive Care Unit


(Will pay actual charges up to plan maximum allowed for specific surgical procedures)

Specified Disease

*Waiver of Premium: will waive the premiums starting on the first premium due date following a 60-day period of total disability due to cancer.

Monthly Premiums

Coverage Type



Single Parent


Quotes are non-binding and for indicative purposes only.

^Additional benefit not to exceed two times annual cancer screening benefit per insured person for one additional invasive diagnostic procedure required as a result of an abnormal cancer screening test.

Warning: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss of benefit or who knowingly presents false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to restitution fines or confinement in prison, or any combination thereof.

LifeShield National Insurance Co. (LNIC) is an Oklahoma domiciled life insurance company and has assets in excess of $100 million. Together with its affiliates, LNIC has been protecting individuals and families for nearly 50 years.

Available in: AL, AR, DC, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NE, NV, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA

This brochure is not a contract of insurance. For complete details of all policy provisions and benefits, please read the policy documents carefully. This brochure applies to policy form numbers: LNG/LN-6040; LNG/LN-6041; LNG/LN-6042; LNG/LN-6043; LNG/LN-6044;
LNG/LN-6045; LNG/LN-6045; LNG/LN-6046; LNG/LN-6047; LNG/LN-6048; LNG/LN-6052

This coverage is supplemental and only provides benefits related to diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

THIS IS A LIMITED HEALTH COVERAGE POLICY AND IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR MAJOR MEDICAL COVERAGE. No benefits will be provided during the first two years following the policy effective date for any claims resulting from pre-existing conditions for any covered person.

LNG/LN-6040 S2PP

(RV: 2/2024)

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